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Storing secrets in HashiCorp Vault service

This document describes how to use HashiCorp Vault to store sensitive information away from Ember configuration.

This guide was developed in 2020, reader is encouraged to refer to most recent documentation from for up to date information about this project.

Minimalistic installation of Vault

In this section we will show how to install HashiCorp Vault service. These instructions are very brief, refer to Vault documentation for in-depth coverage of this material.

Please note that here we assume that secrets stored in HashiCorp Vault are easy to recover. For example, for each exchange Execution Server needs API keys for order entry. You can always re-generate API key using exchange account settings in the unlikely event that Vault storage fails. Hence we can simplify Vault installation and avoid things like high availability storage configuration. If you are planning to use Vault as a single repository of your other secrets you may be required to install Vault cluster for additional reliability.

Best Practices

For production installations follow recommendations outlined here.

Install Vault

We picked AWS t3.small instance running CentOS 7 to host Vault.

As an option you may consider using Terraform scripts to create Vault cluster. For simplicity here we follow the official Vault installation tutorial. Here we download version 1.1.3 for CentOS:

wget [](


sudo chown root:root vault
sudo mv vault /usr/local/bin/
sudo mkdir --parents /etc/vault.d

vault --version

The last command is an installation check. It should display something like this:

Vault v1.1.3 ('9bc820f700f83a7c4bcab54c5323735a581b34eb')

Two more configuration commands:

sudo setcap cap_ipc_lock=+ep /usr/local/bin/vault
sudo useradd --system --home /etc/vault.d --shell /bin/false vault

Here we skip systemd service installation (refer to Vault tutorial).

Generate server certificate for Vault

Our Vault is running on AWS with internal DNS

openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout vault-key.pem -out vault-cert.csr -subj "/C=US/ST=MA/L=Boston/O=Deltix/OU=DevOps/CN=****"

openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in vault-cert.csr -signkey vault-key.pem -out vault-cert.pem

If necessary to add alternative name

openssl x509 -req -extfile <(printf "") -days 365 -in vault-cert.csr -signkey vault-key.pem -out vault-cert.pem

Move certificates to Vault configuration directory and And hide private key:

sudo cp vault-* /etc/vault.d/
sudo chmod 600 /etc/vault.d/vault-key.pem

Configure Vault

Create configuration directory:

sudo touch /etc/vault.d/vault.hcl
sudo chown --recursive vault:vault /etc/vault.d
sudo chmod 640 /etc/vault.d/vault.hcl

Enter the following configuration into /etc/vault.d/vault.hcl:

backend "file" {
  path = "/etc/vault.d/vault-backend"

listener "tcp" {
 address = ""
 tls_cert_file = "/etc/vault.d/vault-cert.pem"
 tls_key_file  = "/etc/vault.d/vault-key.pem"

ui = true

Run Vault from command line:

sudo -u vault /usr/local/bin/vault server -config=/etc/vault.d/vault.hcl
==> Vault server configuration:
             Api Address:
                     Cgo: disabled
         Cluster Address:
              Listener 1: tcp (addr: "", cluster address: "", max_request_duration:...
               Log Level: info
                   Mlock: supported: true, enabled: true
                 Storage: file
                 Version: Vault v1.1.3
             Version Sha: 9bc820f700f83a7c4bcab54c5323735a581b34eb
==> Vault server started! Log data will stream in below:

For production environment run Vault as SystemD service. See Vault Documentation.

Initializing Vault

Change firewall to allow access to vault port 8200. In our case we edited AWS Security Group:

HashiCorp Vault image 1

Make sure you add the IP address of the machine from which you will be accessing Vault web administrator GUI.


For actual production setups client’s IT should complete the next steps.

Open your browser to /ui web app on vault’s host and port: (your IP address will be different).

HashiCorp Vault image 2

Enter the desired number of persons who will be required for all critical Vault operations and press Initialize button.


Remember these keys!!!**

Proceed to Unseal.

Each person needs to enter a personal key.

You may consider setting up auto-unsealing. See links at the end of this document.

HashiCorp Vault image 3

Make sure each person gets a secure copy of the assigned key.

Populating Secrets database

Login to Vault’s UI. Here we use using root token:

HashiCorp Vault image 4

Enable KV secrets engine. Specify version 2 and location for your secrets. Make sure to use a folder name here instead of a path, for instance “deltix”. The vault java driver that we are using cannot handle secret engines mounted at a path at this point.

HashiCorp Vault image 5

TODO: Extend max lease duration (Method Options)

Select the secrets engine we just created and add new secrets. You can use any name for each secret as long as it matches names referenced in you ember configuration.

Now let’s generate a new COINBASE API key to be stored as a secret in Vault.

Generating API key and storing it in Vault

Here we will illustrate API key configuration for COINBASE PRO, use similar process for other exchanges.

Go to User settings of your COINBASE PRO account and select “API” section. Create new API Key:

HashiCorp Vault image 6

Whitelist to public IP address of Deltix Execution Server that will be accessing the exchange. Make sure to remember the passkey (will be used in the next step). Complete the API key creation process and remember the secret:

HashiCorp Vault image 7

Storing Secrets into Vault

Now go back to Vault Web UI (Secrets tab) and click on “Create Secret” under the “deltix” engine we created a few two pages ago. Please note that inputs that we provide for secret “path” and each “key” can be arbitrary. You just need to be consistent in what you enter and use the same values in your ember configuration.

HashiCorp Vault image 8

Enter passphrase and secret from API key we generated in COINBASE PRO account (previous section).

ACL Policy

Let’s create a new policy that only allows to read secrets under secrets engine path. Go to Policies > Create ACL Policy menu item.

path "deltix/*" {
  capabilities = ["read", "list"]

HashiCorp Vault image 9 Save it.

Modify Max Lease TTL of the token Authentication Method. Click on “Access” tab at the top, and select “Auth Methods”, and then “Edit configuration” for the “token” authentication method:

HashiCorp Vault image 10

Specify 365 days for the Max Lease TTL option and then click “Update Options” button at the bottom.

Issue a new token that has permissions granted by read_secrets_policy. Do this on the vault server host using vault CLI. First set these environment variables to specify vault server address and public certificate:

export VAULT_ADDR=
export VAULT_CACERT=/etc/vault.d/vault-cert.pem

Then login with your root token:

vault login

If login fails with something that resembles DNS error simply add local hostname resolution rule to /etc/hosts.

Issue new token associated with read_secrets_policy and 1 year lease period:

-> vault token create -policy=deltixreadonly -period=8760h
Key Value
--- -----
token s.9rrUjfG6ONHZkoCbLpzqOxRF
token_accessor JkxL6oVmXtM65nm26PEwPgrO
token_duration 8760h
token_renewable true
token_policies ["default" "deltixreadonly"]
identity_policies []
policies ["default" "deltixreadonly"]

You can verify newly created token in Vault Web UI. It should appear under Access > Leases menu:

HashiCorp Vault image 11

Configure Ember to use Vault

Specify generated token in ember.conf along with the vault server URI and its public certificate:

vault: {

Note that access token is encrypted using Deltix mangle tool like this:

/deltix/ember/bin/mangle <clear_text_token>

Finally edit COINBASE connector to reference Vault secrets by path:

connectors {
COINBASE : ${template.connector.fix.coinbase} {
settings {
host = localhost # stunnel
port = 4198
targetCompId = "Coinbase"

senderCompId = "b259b5563840e5bfc103eebb9e90294d"
secret = "vault:/deltix/connectors/COINBASE/secret"
password = "vault:/deltix/connectors/COINBASE/passphrase"
attributeKey = gdax

resetSeqNums = true
enableDropCopy = false
cancelOrdersOnDisconnect = Y
selfTradePrevention = CANCEL_NEWEST

Good reading on subject

Appendix: Java API to access configuration secrets stored in Vault

deltix-ember-config module contains the following utility classes that can be used for reading secrets stored in Vault:

Method deltix.ember.util.ConfigUtil

ConfigUtil provides static methods for reading config values and is also used to create and populate beans with attributes in ember.conf. It will read bean attributes annotated with @Hashed from Vault when the value in config is in the form of Vault URI or try to decrypt the value otherwise. ConfigUtil.init(Config) method should be called once before ConfigUtil is used for reading beans in order to initialize it with the Vault configuration.

The getSecret(Config, String) method allows you to read secrets specified in config at specific key.

Here are the declarations of main methods involved with handling secrets:

public class ConfigUtil {
   public static void init(Config config);
   public String getSecret(Config config, String key);
   public <T> T createBean(final Config config, final Class<T> clazz);

Method deltix.ember.util.SecretsStore

SecretsStore utility reads secrets from HashiCorp Vault configured in config specified above.

  • getSecrets(String path) will return a Map of secrets at specified path in the Vault
  • getSecret(String secretURI) will parse secretURI in this form vault:/<secret-path>/<secret-key> and return secret stored in Vault at specified secret-path and secret-key.

Here are the declarations of these methods:

public class SecretsStore {
     public SecretsStore(Config config);
     public String getSecret(String secretURI);   
     public Map<String,String> getSecrets(String path);